Recent Certifications & Courses
Last Course Completed: Supercharge R with SparkRCoursera
Johns Hopkins Specialization in Data Science
- Data Scientist's Toolkit
- R Programming
- Getting and Cleaning Data
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Reproducible Research
- Statistical Inference
- Regression Models
- Practical Machine Learning
- Developing Data Products
- Data Science Capstone Project Proof of Completion
- The R Programming Environment
- Advanced R Programming
- Building R Packages - Planned
- Building Data Visualization Tools - Planned
- Mastering Software Development in R Capstone - Planned
- Inferential Statistics
- Linear Regression and Modeling
- Introduction to Probability and Data
- Bayesian Statistics - Planned
- Statistics with R Capstone - Planned
Proof of Completion
Microsoft Academy
Microsoft Data Science Professional Certification
- Data Science Orientation
- Query with Transact-SQL
- Analyze and Visualize Data with Power BI
- Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics
- Explore Data with Code
- Understand Core Data Science Concepts
- Understand Machine Learning
- Code to Manipulate and Model Data
- Applied Data Science
- Final Data Science Project (competition) Proof of Completion
- Machine Learning A-Z Hands-On R
- Practical Data Science – Reducing High Dimensional Data
- Beginner to Advanced Guide on Machine Learning with R
- Automating Data Exploration with R
- R Programming – Advanced Analytics in R for Data Science
- Supercharge R with SparkR
- Introduction to R
- Basic Data Types
- Create and Name Vectors
- Vector Arithmetic
- Subsetting Vectors
- Create and Name Matrices
- Subsetting Matrices
- Matrix Arithmetic
- Create and Name Lists
- Subset and Extend Lists
- Explore Data Frames
- Subset, Extend and Sort Data Frame
- Basic Graphics
- Customizing Plots
- Multiple Plots