Lets work through an example to understand how this works:
The last step iterates until the model cannot be improved It might look like this:
If the initial centroids are way off, problematic problems might arise.
This is the intuitive result:
But if the initial centroids are picked poorly, different results might occur:
There is an addition to the k-Means algorithm that avoids this problem: K-Means++. This happens in the background so it is easy to avoid.
WCSS - Within Clusters Sum of Squares. Useful to compare the goodness of fit of two K-Means clusterings. Lets look at an example:
You can have as many clusters as there are points. WCSS = 0 when each point is a centroid. It constantly decreases. However, diminishing returns suggest the optimal k value (called the Elbow Method):
The elbow is not always so obvious. Use your judgement.
# Importing the dataset
dataset = read.csv("./data/Mall_Customers.csv")
dataset = dataset[4:5]
# Using the elbow method to find the optimal number of clusters
wcss = vector()
for (i in 1:10) wcss[i] = sum(kmeans(dataset, i)$withinss)
plot(1:10, wcss, type = 'b', main = paste('The Elbow Method'), xlab = 'Number of clusters', ylab = 'WCSS')
# Fitting K-Means to the dataset
kmeans = kmeans(x = dataset, centers = 5)
y_kmeans = kmeans$cluster
# Visualizing the clusters
clusplot(dataset, y_kmeans, lines = 0, shade = TRUE, color = TRUE, labels = 2, plotchar = FALSE,
span = TRUE, main = paste('Clusters of customers'), xlab = 'Annual Income', ylab = 'Spending Score')