Visualizations File List - Examples

Name Description Date
ggplot2 - The Graphics Package You Must Know
tidyrggplot2explained.html An introduction to tidying your data using tydr and using ggplot 7/2/2017
R Mapping Examples
USLifeExpectancy.html Simple mapping example evaluating life expectancy in the US. 6/30/2017
Interactive Data Story Telling - Shiny
My first Shiny application Shiny apps are hosted on shared servers on It may take a minute or two for the application to wake from sleeping. This application is based on Census data. 7/2/2017
My Shiny App Leveraging NLP This application was part of my final project featuring Natural Language Processing is support of the Coursera - Johns Hopkins Course Data Science Specialization. Remember, Shiny apps are hosted on shared servers on It may take a minute or two for the application to wake from sleeping. 7/2/2017
Other Visualizations
GmiscTransitionPlot There are some things you will plot daily, typically using ggplot2. But in the Gmisc package is s function called transitionPlot. This is something that you could share with anyone in your organization to show the change of state between classes. Start using this today to become a star! 7/4/2017
External Visualization Gallery Links
The R Graph Gallery Plotly ggplot2 Library Show me Shiny!
Shiny User Showcase Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations ggplots Extensions to Explore